Wednesday, December 3, 2008

'capturing a short life' documentary

as some of you may be aware, i volunteer my time and photography through an organization that i am proud to be a part of called “now i lay me down to sleep” - professional photographers gifting their time and talent to families suffering from the loss of an infant.

there is a beautiful film that will be airing on the topic of infant loss this tuesday december 9, 2008 on cbc newsworld at 10pm.

the documentary “capturing a short life” , directed by toronto filmmaker sheona mcdonald and featuring my wonderfully talented friend and fellow photographer heather rivlin , is a beautiful, intimate and life-affirming documentary about families dealing with infant loss. it explores how critical it is to remember and celebrate the beautiful babies who are only with us for a moment, and how impossible it is to forget them.

please spread the word to friends and family, if you think they may be interested in seeing how photographs help families grieve a loss, and the power of photography at times like these. we want to encourage cbc to continue funding and showcasing documentaries like this one, and so we are hoping many of you will tune in to watch - it is a truly touching account of the stories of several families who lost children and who are connected to each other only through their grief and their decision to have their child’s memory honored through photographic images.