Tuesday, November 18, 2008

fall photo shoot

i've been thinking to myself every single day this season that i should take advantage of the beautiful fall colours and photograph my own three critters...who have been ridiculously overdue for a photoshoot.
so, this afternoon i was inspired while raking the leaves and captured a few photos of my kids getting up to no good in our backyard.

Monday, November 17, 2008

bark and fitz display

i recently updated my display at the 'bark and fitz' store in port credit, mississauga with 4 20x24 gallery wrapped canvasses.

crackers, cabot, teva and holly are the sparkling personalities that will be greeting everyone from behind the counter.

if you're in the area (hurontario and lakeshore), please pop in to take a look.

and if you haven't discovered it already, 'bark and fitz' is a fantastic place to shop for your furry loved ones. http://www.barkandfitz.com/home.htm

Thursday, November 13, 2008

dogs in canada annual

the dogs in canada 2009 annual issue is on newsstands now. i had a blast photographing the most adorable kittens for their cat section.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

a girl and her horse

although i am mainly known for photographing dogs and cats and their human companions, i jumped at the chance to photograph a beautiful girl and her childhood horse.

after deciding to attend university out of province, the stunning "l" and her family made the tough decision to part with "max" and give another young girl the opportunity of learning to ride on such a spirited horse.

it was my pleasure to capture their special bond before she left for school. (they sure made my job look easy.)