Monday, February 4, 2008

client referrals

i have photographed many great faces and personalities over the few years that i have been in business. as an incentive to all of my wonderful past clients (and all future past clients) i will be offering a referral program. any of you who refer new clients that book a session with me will receive a complimentary 11x14 print from your original session. just make sure that they mention your name.

please visit my website or contact me for more booking details.

facebook group

if you're like me, you love to show off photos of your cherished loved ones to everyone you know on facebook. it is so handy to keep in touch with those that you don't see on a regular basis and to update them with recent photographs of your ever-changing family. i completely understand this, so i have recently created a facebook group for marcia leeder photography with an incentive for all who join the group.

all facebook referrals will receive with their print order, a minimum of 4 watermarked jpegs to upload to facebook to share with friends and family.

please feel free to join or invite friends and family members who you think may be interested in my custom photography services.

visit my website or contact me for more details.

get ready. get set. snow!

i am often asked whether i book outdoor sessions in the winter. the answer is "absolutely yes"!

dogs love to frolic in the snow. children love creating snow angels. to me, nothing screams "photo op" more than a puppy snoot covered in fresh white snow or a multi-coloured touque on the head of a rosy-cheeked child.

we all know how magical it is outside on a sunny day after a fresh snowfall. but, believe it or not, it's the grey days that are ideal for photography. an overcast day may look dull to the human eye, but trust me, it will give you the best results when photographing people and animals.

perhaps you are discouraged with your own winter photos that look more grey than white. i am here to tell you that it's not the's your camera being fooled.

tip #1: shooting in the snow

your camera's exposure meter reads everything as middle grey (18% grey to be exact). therefore when you are photographing in the snow, the camera is reading all of that white as middle grey and therefore exposing for it. and when you look at your photo, your snow is what? that's right...grey, grey, grey! your image is underexposed. therefore you need to "trick your meter" and overexpose by a stop or two. play around with the settings on your camera and see what results you get.